Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Treasury!

AMSX05 was kind enough to feature me in her bnr treasury today! The purpose of bnr treasuries and threads as far as I know is to purchase an item from someone and someone purchases something from you, and it goes on and on resulting in sales for all involved.

My angel and cross charm can be found on the bottom right corner. The picture just doesn't do it any justice. I'll have to update it soon.

It makes for a great gift or card accent. You can even include her as apart of a placeholder for your holiday get-togethers!

---In other news

I still have a couple of surprises up my sleeve. I'll be adding new, non-jewelry related items to my shop soon...I'm so excited. Keep checking back for more updates regarding this surprise. :) It's worth the wait!

Thank you for reading!

CM Designs
Elite Art for the elite at heart.


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